Currently specializes in “Polymer Nanocomposites Technology Designed for Extreme Environments” funded by DoD, DoE, DoT, NASA, and private companies.

Ablation Materials Research

  1. Solid rocket motor (SRM) nozzle ablatives using polymer nanocomposites
  2. Rocket nozzle erosion minimization (RNEM)
  3. Experimental and numerical characterization of SRM internal insulation materials
  4. Functionally graded polyetherimide nanocomposite foams for space application
  5. Missile/propulsion/re-entry thermal protection systems (TPS) ablatives characterization
  6. In-situ ablation and thermal sensors for TPS and SRM ablatives
  7. Char strength sensors to evaluate polymer nanocomposite ablatives
  8. Ablative, thermal, and flammability properties of SiC fiber-reinforced ceramic matrix composites
  9. Material response (MR) modeling to evaluate ablation recession and thermal characteristics
  10. Re-design oxy-acetylene test bed with advanced diagnostics
  11. Innovative nanostructured ablatives for re-entry missile structures
  12. Thermophysical properties characterization of high-temperature resins and their fiber-reinforced composites
  13. Ablative, thermal, and flammability properties of 2D silica/polysiloxane composites
  14. Affordable elastomeric insulation material for SRMs with improved ablation resistance
  15. 2.5D silica woven fiber-reinforced/polysiloxane composites for aerospace applications
  16. Materials for 3D printed heat shield
  17. Affordable polymer nanocomposite ablatives for MK 41 Vertical Launching Systems (VLS)
  18. Aerothermal ablation testing with in-situ ablation sensor/material response ablation modeling of glass/phenolic ablatives
  19. Thermal, Flammability, and Ablation Properties of 3D printed continuous CF/PEEK composite
  20. Novel additively manufactured composite external hypersonic heat shield
  21. High-temperature materials for hypersonic applications
  22. AM functionally graded missile radomes for hypersonic vehicles
  23. AM continuous CF thermoset composite for TPS
  24. Low-density flexible TPS (LDFTPS) materials for hypersonic vehicles
  25. Dual layer polysiloxane fiber-reinforced composite systems
  26. 3D printed CF-reinforced/PEKK composites for TPS
  27. Continuous CF/polysiloxane composites for aerospace applications
  28. Polysiloxane/aerogel/short quartz fiber nanocomposites for TPS
  29. Aerothermal ablation testing and analysis of silicone-based ablatives
  30. Aerothermal ablation testing with in-situ ablation sensor & material response ablation modeling of PICA
  31. Microstructures characterization using synchrotron X-ray micro-CT and material properties and microscale oxidation simulations of a variety of ablators using NASA Ames’ PuMA software
  32. Continuous CF/polysiloxane-ceramic nanocomposites for aerospace applications
  33. Coupled aerothermal, ablation, shape change, and thermo-structural (CASST) modeling and simulation tool for TPS design
  34. CF/polysiloxane prepreg tape for automatic tape placement AM of hypersonic TPS
  35. Photogrammetry of TPS Materials
  36. Powdered Polysiloxane Resin Infiltrated Low-Density Flexible Ablators

Flame Retardant Polymers Research

  1. Flame retardant polymers for selective laser sintering (SLS), fused deposition modeling (FDM), & Jet Fusion 3D (JF3D) in additive manufacturing (AM)
  2. Flame resistant fabrics/textiles via electro-spinning/melt-spinning
  3. Numerical modeling of polymer degradation kinetic parameters

Conductive Polymers Research

  1. Electrically and thermally conductive polymers for SLS, FDM, & JF3D in AM
  2. Multifunctional cyanate ester-f-CNT nanocomposites carbon fiber-reinforced composites
  3. High thermally conductive epoxy graphite fiber-reinforced composites
  4. Scale-up highly aligned and high concentration CNT-reinforced composites for aerospace applications
  5. Hybrid ceramic matrix composite/polymer matrix composite (CMD-PMC) skin materials


  1. Nanomodified carbon/carbon composites
  2. High and low temperature resins and their glass reinforced filament wound composites for downhole drilling
  3. Welding of high- performance bridge steel
  4. Monitoring technology for nuclear explosions high reliability whole-air compressor