Currently specializes in “Polymer Nanocomposites Technology Designed for Extreme Environments” funded by DoD, DoE, DoT, NASA, and private companies.
Ablation Materials Research
- Solid rocket motor (SRM) nozzle ablatives using polymer nanocomposites
- Rocket nozzle erosion minimization (RNEM)
- Experimental and numerical characterization of SRM internal insulation materials
- Functionally graded polyetherimide nanocomposite foams for space application
- Missile/propulsion/re-entry thermal protection systems (TPS) ablatives characterization
- In-situ ablation and thermal sensors for TPS and SRM ablatives
- Char strength sensors to evaluate polymer nanocomposite ablatives
- Ablative, thermal, and flammability properties of SiC fiber-reinforced ceramic matrix composites
- Material response (MR) modeling to evaluate ablation recession and thermal characteristics
- Re-design oxy-acetylene test bed with advanced diagnostics
- Innovative nanostructured ablatives for re-entry missile structures
- Thermophysical properties characterization of high-temperature resins and their fiber-reinforced composites
- Ablative, thermal, and flammability properties of 2D silica/polysiloxane composites
- Affordable elastomeric insulation material for SRMs with improved ablation resistance
- 2.5D silica woven fiber-reinforced/polysiloxane composites for aerospace applications
- Materials for 3D printed heat shield
- Affordable polymer nanocomposite ablatives for MK 41 Vertical Launching Systems (VLS)
- Aerothermal ablation testing with in-situ ablation sensor/material response ablation modeling of glass/phenolic ablatives
- Thermal, Flammability, and Ablation Properties of 3D printed continuous CF/PEEK composite
- Novel additively manufactured composite external hypersonic heat shield
- High-temperature materials for hypersonic applications
- AM functionally graded missile radomes for hypersonic vehicles
- AM continuous CF thermoset composite for TPS
- Low-density flexible TPS (LDFTPS) materials for hypersonic vehicles
- Dual layer polysiloxane fiber-reinforced composite systems
- 3D printed CF-reinforced/PEKK composites for TPS
- Continuous CF/polysiloxane composites for aerospace applications
- Polysiloxane/aerogel/short quartz fiber nanocomposites for TPS
- Aerothermal ablation testing and analysis of silicone-based ablatives
- Aerothermal ablation testing with in-situ ablation sensor & material response ablation modeling of PICA
- Microstructures characterization using synchrotron X-ray micro-CT and material properties and microscale oxidation simulations of a variety of ablators using NASA Ames’ PuMA software
- Continuous CF/polysiloxane-ceramic nanocomposites for aerospace applications
- Coupled aerothermal, ablation, shape change, and thermo-structural (CASST) modeling and simulation tool for TPS design
- CF/polysiloxane prepreg tape for automatic tape placement AM of hypersonic TPS
- Photogrammetry of TPS Materials
- Powdered Polysiloxane Resin Infiltrated Low-Density Flexible Ablators
Flame Retardant Polymers Research
- Flame retardant polymers for selective laser sintering (SLS), fused deposition modeling (FDM), & Jet Fusion 3D (JF3D) in additive manufacturing (AM)
- Flame resistant fabrics/textiles via electro-spinning/melt-spinning
- Numerical modeling of polymer degradation kinetic parameters
Conductive Polymers Research
- Electrically and thermally conductive polymers for SLS, FDM, & JF3D in AM
- Multifunctional cyanate ester-f-CNT nanocomposites carbon fiber-reinforced composites
- High thermally conductive epoxy graphite fiber-reinforced composites
- Scale-up highly aligned and high concentration CNT-reinforced composites for aerospace applications
- Hybrid ceramic matrix composite/polymer matrix composite (CMD-PMC) skin materials
- Nanomodified carbon/carbon composites
- High and low temperature resins and their glass reinforced filament wound composites for downhole drilling
- Welding of high- performance bridge steel
- Monitoring technology for nuclear explosions high reliability whole-air compressor